• In the year 2003, England suffered a record-breaking heat wave with temperatures hitting 100 degrees for the first time in recorded history.
  • The English gulp down more tea than anyone else on Earth. Even though Americans enjoy their tea also, the English use about 20 times more.
  • The flag of England is called the Union Flag when it is seen on land and Union Jack when it is being used on a ship. "Jack" because it must be flown on the jack mast of a vessel.
  • England boasts the company that is the third largest employer on Earth. The National Health Service is preceded only by China's Red Army and India's main railway.
  • England is known for cities and town with long names. It may shock you to know that Ely is the city in England with the shortest amount of letters it the name.
  • It is common knowledge that Athelhampton house is haunted by three ghosts. What isn't common knowledge is that one of them is an ape.
  • Over 12,000 accidents happen per year when English people put on socks, pantyhose or other type stockings.
  • Big Ben is not the name of the entire building that contains the clock. The name is actually what the bell inside the tower is called. The structure is actually called St. Stephen's Tower.
  • The tallest Ferris wheel in Europe is housed in London. It was called Millennium Wheel, but has since been redubbed The London Eye.
  • There are over 300 languages spoken by people in the country of England.
