• The British eat twice as many baked beans per head as Americans do.
  • William the Conqueror ordered that everyone should go to bed at eight o’clock.
  • Some 80,000 umbrellas are lost annually on the London Underground.
  • Nothing officially happened in Britain between 3 and 14 September 1752. This was because the country was switching from the old Julian calendar to the Western or Gregorian calendar, a move initially instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. Britain didn’t get round to changing until 1752 when those 11 days went unobserved.
  • Because Britain lived by the Julian calendar, until 1752 New Year’s Day fell on 25 March.
  • There are a dozen secret rivers flowing beneath London. One, the Effra travels under the Oval cricket ground.
  • Berwick-upon-Tweed was officially at war with Russia for 110 years. As the border town frequently changed hands between England and Scotland over the centuries, it was usually referred to as a separate entity in all State documents. At the outbreak of the Crimean War, Britain declared war on Russia in the name of Britain, Ireland, Berwick-upon-Tweed andall British Dominions. But when the war ended two years later in 1856, the Paris Peace Treaty omitted Berwick. So Berwick was technically at war with Russia until 1966 when a Soviet official, made aware of the situation, visited the town to declare peace. The Mayor of Berwick said: "Please tell the Russian people that at last they can sleep peacefully in their beds!”
  • There are over 30,000 John Smiths in Britain.
  • When the 999 service was introduced to Britain in 1937, the buzzer which alerted the switchboard operators to an emergency call was so loud that a number of girl operators fainted when they heard it. The noise level was eventually reduced by inserting a tennis ball in the mouth of the buzzer.
  • The town of Beverley, near Hull, was named after the number of beavers which once lived in the area.Portugal is England’s oldest ally. The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty signed in 1373 is still in force.
  • In 1945, a flock of starlings landed on the minute hand of Big Ben and put the time back by five minutes.
  • Britain is he only country in the world which doesn’t have the country’s name in its postage stamps.
  • Nowhere in Britain is more than 74½ miles from the sea.
  • An old red telephone kiosk in Huddersfield was converted into a bar by a hotelier who promptly dubbed it the smallest public bar in Britain.
  • A three-seater outside lavatory at Bishop’s Tawton in North Devon is a Grade II listed building.
  • Female applicants for the original Directory Enquiry operators had to be single. They were expected to resign if they got married.
  • There are more chickens than humans in England.The tax on a deck of playing cards in 16th-century England was 2s 6d – much more than a lot of people warned in a month.
  • After the 1745 rebellion, led by Bonnie Prince Charlie, the government made it illegal for Scotsmen to wear kilts. The ban remained in force until 1832.
  • Although the Great Fire of London destroyed much of the city, only six people were killed.
  • Rudolf Hess was the last prisoner to be kept in the Tower of London.
